Saturday, January 1, 2011

Artest announces a Laker (PA) ring lottery winner

LOS ANGELES - Ron Artest has absolutely no regrets to give her the Los Angeles Lakers championship ring to promote mental health awareness. In fact, they were just encouraged him to get out and get another cycle.

Artest announces her ring charity lottery winner late Saturday night club side street in the Centre of Staples, where by Miami Heat 96-80 in the window display of NBA Lakers were beaten.

The ring was won by Raymond Mikkael, father of four of Hawthorne, California

"Is feeling good, because there a lot of advertising, and is cool," Artest said before on LeBron James. "I am pleased that we can start now and some more work with charities.

Artest had the idea to give his first NBA title ring after the introduction of the spotlight on health mental first psychiatrist after part 7 of the Lakers on Boston triumph last June. Although that some MEP in another stunt by one of the greatest characters in the NBA, Artest candid statement caused an interest for the standardization of mental health care, in this unique gift of charity, effect effect snowball.

And when he has officially off the coast of the ring in a few weeks, Artest feels that it will be even more motivation to replace it with the Lakers, who their hunting activities third consecutive title.

"I'm so eager to get out on the weather," said Artest. "I get more fuel, I burn everything." I am motivated.

Although he does not know the final figures, draw Artest raises more than $500,000 for her charity, which will operate the University Excel with youth mental health risks. Artest said he wrote his first cheque for $50,000 in revenue to charity.

Artest sounds overwhelmed by the support, praising each its teammates for the Lakers fans to participate in the lottery. Same Lakers coach Phil Jackson says he bought a pair of tickets, praised the Artest strategy to channel the money directly into charity rather than intermediaries.

Lakers franchise rings 16th Championship contain much of the ball in game 7 against the Boston Celtics. The ring has a circumference of 16 oversize white diamonds represent the Lakers with two trophies 16-carat gold Championship titles. On one side of the ring is a three dimensional parable of the player.

Artest has not complied with his taste for the unorthodox acts of charity: it has recently said that he would like to make a donation to a huge chunk of his salary $ 6.79 million for next season to mental health charities.

It is a little harder respond to today's economy, but it could be. Artest said Saturday that his Christmas wish "a tax-break directly from Obama" due to the high cost of his style of life with his wife and children.

"Unfortunately, diamonds are better friend girl," Artest said.

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