Sunday, January 2, 2011

Olympic filmmaker Bud Greenspan on 84 died in New York (AP)

Bud Greenspan, whose documentary filmmaker often increase as triumphant as Olympic athletes who described for over six decades, died at his home in New York. He was 84.

Companion Nancy Beffa said he died Saturday from complications of Parkinson's disease. More recent work by Mr. Greenspan dealt with rough cuts films of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games.

The award-winning filmmaker broke aimed at small and large success of the athletes in the summer and winter games. His career took off with a film, he has done in 1964 on Olympic Jesse Owens to return at the scene of his gold medal performance in Berlin about 30 years earlier. But Greenspan has never lost his love for the smaller victories as well.

Her favourite Olympic moment remained a last place by Marathon finish Tanzanian John Stephen Ahkwari in Mexico City in 1968.

"He has come an hour and a half after the winner." He wore practical its leg, he was so bloody and Pact, "Greenspan recalled in an interview with almost a decade ago." I asked him: "' why you continue?" " He said: "you don't understand." My country have not send me 5,000 miles to start a race, they me to finish it was sent. "Who sent chills in my back and I still remember the. »

Mr. Greenspan describes the Olympics as "two weeks of love." It's like never never land. As Robin Hood shoot his arrow by the other guys arrow.

"It's a privilege to be associated with the best in the world," he said in an interview. "How often do you with the best in the world in something?" They bring some things they do not normally.

I spend my time on approximately 99% of what is fair at the Olympics, and most people spend 100% of their time on the percentage of that - which is negative. I've been criticized for looking at things through pink glasses, but the percentages are with me. »

The International Olympic Committee described Greenspan as a "true supporter of the Olympic Games and the corresponding values of his career.

Mr. Greenspan, a native New Yorker stores a different image with his glasses perched on a bald dome. He got his departure on the radio to turn to the film.

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