Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dolphins agreement new deal with coach Sparano (Reuters)

DAVIE, Florida (Reuters) - the Miami Dolphins head coach Tony Sparano awarded two-year contract extension Saturday him with the team until the end of the year 2013 will keep.

Dolphins have 7-9, the AFC East and missed the playoffs for the second consecutive year in coach.

After a week of media intense speculation about the future, owner of Ross Stephen Sparano whom he had met at Stanford head coach Jim Harbaugh.

He refused however to Ross, who said that meeting caused Sparano "fear" that the dolphins work offered on Friday named the San Francisco 49ers coach Harbaugh at.

Ross, "never did that," told journalists. "We realized that we had Tony man."

Ross said he was "naive" could be the last week and added that he expected Harbaugh meeting who was generally regarded as the hottest property in University football, waves.

"I never thought it would be national news." I would probably let Tony knows. "It was a mistake on my part," says the owner.

"I did have not spoken with coach until I decided that I want to change."

A clear pain Sparano, periods of watch off with an expression sets Saturday pass, said it is difficult to keep track of its staff up to date with the events had been.

"I have a lot of responsibilities, I have approximately 16 coaches, their families, my own family and about 60 players," said.

Sparano said that after the news of Ross met Harbaugh, he turned off his phone during the night of waking up to approximately 30 messages text in support of its players and one of the owner that he kept his job.

The coach said that now is the time to implement a stronger team.

"I always say the players — when we here are not place us debt." This is not what we are trying to do. Solve us problems, "he said."

(Editing by Tony Jimenez)

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