Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Justice will be done, dynamic said Contador (AFP)

MADRID (AFP) - triple winner of tour de France Alberto Contador has published an optimistic message of Christmas on Saturday where it on a charge of doping could be erased and 2011 a historic year for him would be.

27 Year-old Spanish has been temporarily suspended in September after the traces of Clenbuterol, a drug which is also used for fattening cattle weight loss/muscle-building prohibits, were found in a sample of urine to France tour this year.

However, Contador are expressed on his Twitter confidence that his claims that he adopted unconsciously clenbuterol France Spain beef for the second day of rest of the tour, four days before July 25, he won his third title could be worn.

Clenbuterol by the European Union was banned in 1996, but it is still illegal managed by farmers.

"I can't say it is the best Christmas or quiet, but I am convinced that 2011 due, ethics and the truth will prevail and that justice will be", he said.

"I want my team Saxo Bank (which he signed a two year contract with August) for the preservation of his faith in me." This year will be historic (his emphasis)! »

The UCI has requested the opening of disciplinary proceedings against Contador 8 November and the cyclist who also won the tour in 2007 and 2009-a threatened to stop sport as he is suspended for two years (Spanish Federation of cycling) regions.

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