Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sparan of dolphins to contract to receive extension (AP)

DAVIE, Florida - Tony Sparano stared in overbearing space, tapping his foot and chewing gum.

CEO of Miami Dolphins Jeff Ireland is also an expression dark, his cheeks look like clumsy details were discussed.

Stephen Ross team owner sitting between them, sweat shine above of his upper lip while trying to put red lipstick on a pig of a week for the dolphins.

They have done to combat damage Saturday, a press conference extraordinary announce a Sparano - two-year contract extension and acknowledging errors when dealing with team coaching situation.

"Lines of communication should be treated differently," said Ireland.

"Now" Ross said, "" I would go about it another way.""

Ross and the Ireland flew in California for an interview Thursday with Stanford Jim Harbaugh coach, make the Sparano in limbo very public. Negotiations broke off the coast, Harbaugh took a job with the 49ers and Ross decided to hold Sparano.

Ross, who has taken dolphin, two years ago said that he had never interviewed a coach before and naive thinking that it might have been meet Harbaugh confidentiality.

"I would probably let Tony knows," said Ross. "" "" I never thought it would be national news. I realized after reading the documents of the fear that I had taken by Tony. It is probably a mistake on my part to not think about that when you do something like that, is public. »

Ross, Ireland and said Sparano had recovered damages relationships, but their body language and proposed another behavior.

Sit down at the end of a long table of 40 members of media, did not consider as a whole. Ross has the greater part of the conversation and sometimes laughing, while Sparano and rigid Ireland with the kind of expressions sitting of common dolphins on secondary school during their season collapse.

However, everyone says things, including Sparano on his week of uncertainty. He said that it was difficult to not only for themselves, but for its players and assistant coaches and their families.

"I have had many different emotions," he said. "Frustration bubbles on a few times when there is uncertainty."

"We are now in a place of fun, and we will do the best job we can do things."

With enlargement, Sparano under contract to 2013 and changes will be this shoulder limited to its roster and personnel. Offensive coordinator Dan Henning, on the one hand, the authorization.

"The focus will be on the attack - an exciting violation more aggressive attack, creative," Ross said. "" "" I will deliver a winner. This is my commitment. »

Sparano is a winner as a first step, makers of dolphins as AFC East 2008 for his first season as an NFL coach. He went 7-9 each of the past two seasons but the team has been terrible in the last weeks of 2010.

Behind Ross solutions to consider. But he said that no organization has been in contact with Bill Cowher or Jon Gruden, despite speculation that Miami might be interesting in both.

And while that dolphins short of Harbaugh, Ross refused to make an offer.

"We did our due diligence in an attempt to this organization," said Ireland, reading a statement. "The beginning and end of all, I think Tony Sparano as coach for this team right." I always felt that this has never changed. »

Ireland and Sparano, said they will continue to have a good relationship. It dates back eight years, when the two were with the Dallas Cowboys.

"Jeff and I have agreed to do not a lot of time of agreement," Sparano said. "It is sometimes smoke from this Office." If it does not exist, it is not healthy. It should arrive.

"At the end of this thing, give us will be Dungeon and it will be fine. We will try to bring together the best for this franchise. This is how it should be--together. "

Speaking notes, began to Ross, the press conference of 35 minutes with an 18-minute statement which recounted the events of the week. Monday meeting agenda after dolphins their season at New England 38-7, lost Ross Sparano, a detailed plan of shoulder season changes are saved.

"Just because you have a plan, there is still a few frustrations", said Ross. "It does not relieve the pain."

During the night, met in Ross Harbaugh first Orange Bowl game. Andrew Luck threw four touchdown passes and Stanford won to finish a season 12-1.

Ross said that he found attractive Harbaugh partly because they both alumni of Michigan and decided their meeting in California.

"It is probably the hottest product in America today in terms of fighting spirit," said Ross.

But in the course of their conversation, Ross said, he decided to keep Sparano.

"You're not just change for change", said Ross.

Rather than propose any Harbaugh employment, Ross said, he gave advice.

"Harbaugh wanted to go to the NFL, but he wasn't exactly sure." He asked me: "what should I do? I recommended, ' return to Stanford and you hitch to the quarterback. You have the best quarterback. You can win the National Championship. The pros will be y. ""

On the flight by night, from California to Florida, Ross attempted Sparano calling with the new, no there is no change in coaching. But Sparano had disabled his phone and go to bed.

Meanwhile, the new leaks to the media.

"I wake up the next morning and my players text messages 31, Sparano was.

They sent congratulations.

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