Monday, April 9, 2012

Tina Brown - Media, Public Divided on Religion Coverage - The rival ...

Rival magazines have a tradition, a picture of Christianity as his day of the year, take the closer the risen Christ celebrates. Newsweek editor-in-Chief Tina Brown wants to know "Why religion was so deep by political charlatans and free of basic humanity based on the faith of the hypocrites."

Today one survey (PDF) of the journalists and the general public of the Knight Tina published tables program in media and religion at the University of Southern California and the Roy c. Bliss Institute of applied politics at the University of Akron depends on.

There is a large discrepancy between the band of TINA and the rest of America. More than two-thirds of Americans believe that religion is also exaggerated, portrayed as the stories of the Newsweeklies. This view is shared by less than 30 percent of the journalists.

It can be a blessing.Time and Newsweek are d coveras only subject of religion during the Easter season. When it comes to religion, journalists often have an idea what they write. Only 19% of those surveyed by Knight and bliss said that it "very good" religion. However, these journalists are with their own traditions, trusted by the world of religious practices.

Still, the media can not understand the correct definition of the word "Christian". For them, it is a term born against and Evangelical. In any case, what am I chopped liver? Liberal Catholics and the channeling of the Protestant groups are "Christian" also - or maybe even more - as the politically conservative believers.

An another nugget poll: almost seven out of 10 Americans say they want to tell stories the spiritual practices and religious experience. JournaListen, should on the other hand, new "Personality-driven" religion-related events.

For example, you believeMedia, that it is more fun to rip - the role of institutional Surcontraception of the Catholic Church, despite the fact that 98% of American Catholic women have used birth control. It is much more sexy to write how ObamaCare forces to turn Catholic hospitals and schools for insurers to cover contraceptives for employees, but serve as a report on the functioning of these bodies of Christ every day through the of the most disadvantaged of all denominations.

One thing is certain. Time and Newsweek are to beat a year on the religion.

Happy Easter!

Posted by Kevin McCauley in Medien15: 46 | Comment (1)

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"Amen, Kevin!" is what I would say Kevin today, in your blog. It's really in agreement with you that produced not much. I am one of these "Christian Church Mainstream", no evangelist, although I was raised in a faith, where we decided I be baptized in 13 years, the guess makes me "a Christia" born-againn "in the opinion of the critics." And I am a voluntary long and VP of the ConSeil to the little sisters of the poor, for which I joke that I their "token Evangelical!" but, as a Christian, I am a progressive, I satisfied with gay marriage am and called the it, pastor of the Episcopal Church in the United States, I visited years was Homo sex openuell, like many secular leaders of the Church, and my first wife of 27 Jewish. But my Christian faith - my sense of a personal relationship with the Almighty, has always been an important part of my life, and I have even as a former journalist, cynical hatred, tend to take a shower the elitist liberal media on organized religion. It is time that someone snickering despise these journalists seemed the feeling gets that they let down for every person of faith and Kevin, your column today is a good start! Thank you very much."# 12012-04-05 19: 40 (Reply)"
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