Monday, April 9, 2012

<b>Novak Djokovic</b> Presser: Â "My m weakness play equally well, just <b>12</b> <b>...</b> -NOVAK DJOK ...

NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes. Three games, you know, the three last games of the tournament. A won the opening set 6-1 and felt great on the course and had a lot of chances in the series of three then play where I could break but I did not, and, you know, it is something to expect, if you play a better player, player quality than Murray.If he feels happy, he takes always. You know, luckily for me, which I serve well with a few, if I needed. Know, I think that I more than 70% of first serves to get really important today a few free points to this service and a good second shot was introduced, and I when I had to.
Were question: how eager from there in only two sentences? The second series is long.NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, long ago, I mean, more than two hours for two sets.But if two players of the basic game, the qualiproviding high-quality tennis, know, you can expect, it is Ledistance. I had expected a short game, certainly.I'm know that it physical, knowing that I am going to play the game on every issue to win every game.
Question: some other guys, they make almost a big problem to be to spend some time there. With Murray, it is sometimes hard to tell. Looks as if it is almost out, but still seems very close and ready to do it.NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yes, because there a lot of fire in his repertoire he can come with and possibly offensive and defensive play. It is a great athlete, flexibility, balance, you know, the anticipation of the Court, great service, one of the best returns in the game. It has all the diversity in deru. This is, why is it so dangerous to any surface.
Question: the three titles, that you here deserves have can tell you what everyone ofthem is to you and how each of them is different.NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Everyone is different. The title of 2007 was obviously the first title of Grand, I won. Since I started to do some really great results in major events and it was for me great confidence, strong wind in the back of my career know. I was still pretty young and carefree the ball the Court very high.But then over the years, you know I have the experience of playing at the top level, and I physically stronger, has concentrated on my game, of course, always trying to improve.Tournament last year was great as well, and you know, especially with Rafa definitively from a distance, you know zuu last point of the game. I didn't know who was to win.Once again this year I a set that drop is very impressive. I am the kind of really happy, how, I the last three games gegIt is played, en three very good opponents and the best players a very good thing, you know, for the continuation of the season.
Make three matches you mentioned, they were almost the same. Have a little on the second game [sic], you know, with these players? Because you convinced that ultimately are when you win step up you, or...NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I put in return. Results of the ways were similar, but I played against three different opponents. Know, I think, as I said before, I have delivered the best game when I had to, and I found it took a good dessert and plans aggressive if the opportunity presented undIch.This is, what really matters most. You know, I won three tiebreak in three matches: quarter-finals, semi-finals and final. And that is something that, as you know there much trust me for the next challenges.
Question is: how important this erSeason comes results for sound, now and Roland Garros?NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Oh, but no title is great and this means much, I say, a great tournament which is regarded as one of the biggest tournaments in our sport. I won here three times. I think that says enough about how I feel in Miami play.I like the audience. This is a lot of support. Evening sessions are my better here, because the audience into the it comes and you feel the good vibes in the stands.I played really well in the last two years here, so this is very encouraging for me before derLehm-court season. I have more confidence in the Monte Carlo tournament. It will open on clay tournament.I haven't played last year. I am happy for them. I want to start now. I would like to start strongly. I would go far in the tournament, and you know, there are many upcoming tournaments. Of course, Roland Garros, Olympics, Wimbledon tournament, they are again at the top of the priority list, but, I want others to do.
Question: is Miamivotre favorite?NOVAK DJOKOVIC: one of my favorites.
F., which some people would have thought that with Andy Murray with two have so many matches in the past flip and you the tired only a few weeks, you may be played, and it would be cool. In this way one you feel?NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Oh, no, really. I mean, has been good to me, this calendar. I had a day yesterday. I got einigeWetter of energy and to prepare for the final phase.Match of the night session two days of the corresponding session played. So, I thought that the timing was really good. I felt physically well.You know, for the two tournaments here we spend four weeks, so it doesn't really play hard every day. It was very good.
Question: wasthe victory last year at the beginning of this incredible race wins. Where do you think that your game is now compared to a year ago? Do you think that it is possible to repeat like that?DJOKOVI NOVAKC: well look, you know, the season especially the opening of five was incredible, six months of the year.Every year is different. If I just this year with a victory in the Grand Slam and now a victory in Miami, with two semi-finals. I think that I play everything as also ichTatsache 12 months ago.But once again, it's different. It is a different approach. I would like to still fight for every title, like any other, they have positive State of mind, not really to defend or calculate how much I can lose points and things like that. Each tournament for me is therefore just as important.
Question: After you win a championship so that you can go to the bakery, or you're very strict…NOVAK DJOKOVIC:Baking?
Question: are you very strict on your step bread, not the flesh?NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, no. At this time, I mean, I don't know. I cannot guarantee anything. (Laughs).I think that I deserved a fresh bagel. (Smile).
Q needed a ' this year compared to the previous year is your opinion? Last year you were clearly a man on a mission. Now it's almost, as if they were about ce threshold, you are somewhere else. Can you talk?NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Uh, well, I think that you know, no. 1 and have the best year of my career in 2011 you will know, I play at the top of my form and I played the best tennis I've played.If I as much as possible, you know it use to play at each tournament I. The competition is stronger, I think. Today, everyone is so professional.You have players in all events of the top of the page, wisSen you. This was not the case perhaps five, ten years ago.What makes it even more difficult for anyone to win a title. But I'm willing to do this, you know.We all have, you know, to give each other especially the players, the others give a reason always improve and look forward with Impatiencevous know, to win as many titles as possible.
Question: You seem "comfortable with no. 1." enough to l How are you the Court of Justice recently? You believe that there is a larger gap between you and the rest of the players?NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Ah, I mean, it has not y blank, you know, really. Each tournament is an opportunity for all players to win a title. This is how I look.Rankings, you know, I must also say. You have different surfaces, different seasons, you know, are better suited to different types of players.So, you know, is obviously beaten SPieler Nadal and Spanish, South American, are the ones who have spent a couple of years, more successful than others, but you know, I think that everyone improved their play on different surfaces.It is very demanding, you know. I think I started to play really well on all types of surfaces. MoiWimbledon won the title on grass meaning and title was important last year un you know, for my career.
Question affected: heat performance today? The heat?NOVAK DJOKOVIC: well, it was very hot, you know. It has more than two hours and we had many meetings of long, but it is a very similar style of the game, I have something that await you, and if you have if you play an opponent hard.Is knowledge based our games on the base and a large number of base be taken and sometimes very patient and aggressive.So, Yes, it was tough, you know, some times. ABER I think, that we felt physically really good.
Question: Training of the Court before the game against Monaco, you hit a home run. Are you a fan of baseball? How is game play a part of your plan?NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Honestly I am said, not a big fan of baseball. I'm a fan of the home runs to schlagenmit a practice sessions tennis rackets. (Smile).We try to offer a few crazy ideas and invent new sports on the tennis court. Yesterday we played on, if you want to call, or whether, tennis a little hockey practice.If you want to have fun. I mean, sometimes brings the good energy, you know, a little relax and don't think the pressure and expectations, and know that you have, you know, fight for a title, but enjoy a little in the Court outside activities.
Question: I suspect that you have is so much physically as you. Are even a little curiousto see you are what type of game on clay this season whether?NOVAK DJOKOVIC: remain curious, do you know. I think clay, requires physical effort as all areas of the player. So, I have an extra week to prepare as all compared to other seasons for the Monte Carlo tournament.I have now a week and then a week of practice. I have more than enough time to prepare.But, as you know, is said to be physically very fit. Their endurance must be at a very high level, because they all play long rallies on hard courts, it is double, that on clay.But you know, to know that is I so a large Court clay had season last year and some victories of clay court events I trust before that.

See also:Statement of WTA Shahar Peer on ATP Dubai to admit Andy RAM"" Tiger Woods, said he and Roger Federer still "T""ext ever"Ernests of Gulbis: "If I don't do something this year, next year, that's all, my career is over!" [Video]Roger Federer: I'm really appeared in drink ".""Coffee" [video]Rafael Nadal, Kia presser: Djokovic is not my problem [video]
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27 Comments for presser Novak Djokovic: "" I think that I play everything as well as 12 months ago ""

MarkoSays:I loved this video...It is so pleasant to everyone...Likewise, it goes and thank ball boys. Well, it's class!
2. April 2012, at 10: 53

JakeSays:It is only good to thank not only the GarcíaAdd-ons by the ball, but around the world, especially if you win. No message.
April 2, 2012 at 12: 32 am

SubErhuman says:What Jake!
2. April 2012-15: 30

MarkoSays:@ Jake.
Judging by the "OH my God", said one of the ball boys, I would like to take the ball-boys locker room and thank are not something that all players make.
It is, of course, not new...It is just a nice video of the things Djokovic after the ceremony of the winner. Great idea.
2. April 2012 at 15: 58

"omment" id "comment 260504" = >Crapule youngSays:Marion> Often occur that # 1 the wardrobe is the ball boys. This signed polo shirt have a value for money one day:)As the father said "Mnogaja Ljeta., Mnogaja Ljeta." Nole "Bog Te Jeblagoslovio" for all the joy and happiness you to your fans, you people, do all tennis fans and family. Ziveli:)
2. April 2012 05: 37

JaneSays:This is a beautiful video - cool to see after behind the scenes. I love how they show always to Wimbledon.
2. 19: 24 April 2012

MarkoSays:@ Boy weighed.
Personally I'm not a big fan of Djokovic he is so religious, but as long as the winner hält and will be a great Kerlist it OK with me. Is not really disturb me only my old country of departure before every religious is.
In fact I had yesterday to Belgrade to fly, but I had toured widely at the airport because my passport was somewhat dilapidated. Well, I had to wait a week and spend $650 for a new. They are same old tricks like in Serbia, the new rules and regulations, new possibilities, to find money of ordinary people:
Sad to know that Novak in Belgrade plays this year, time, if I my trip so I would be during the tournament:
2. April 2012 20: 49

MarkoSays:P.S. I can not wait to get the SLJIVOVICA and the Chvarke in me:) OH, and Pršut and cherries are flowers in a short time... My mouth is arroSage. First thing I will do, the Pijaca is passed. So, I can see that corresponds to Nole sooo many fans... Here, I see usually with Federer fans.
2. April 2012 at 20: 54>
MarkoSays:P.P.S. and Burek with meat...Some real yogurt can really drink... Man, my imagination will now run wild.
2. April 2012 at 20: 55

Crapule youngSays:MarionIf (you) say it so much life, these three positions were extremely unfair for us and not as often as we can go back, this is said of the man in the desert at Niagara Falls lost; ()
2. April 2012at 21: 48

mat4Says:C'mon, WOGGy. Burek is overrated. Even with the meat. I tried also Bosnia a. Nothing special.
But Barbecue… a lamb or a Piglet… or skaraMacedonia… with beer, of course, not wine, that's all.
2. April 2012 22: 38

Daniel Martin DSays:He clearly lower than last but at the same time on error of the opponents, as the Murray manny fish today want to give OokedFor the rest, I hate his policiesCrazy only ROAR him wanna get loudFREE KOSOVO NOW!
2. April 2012 at 23: 46

Markostrong > said:Hehehe,
Sorry, guys, I have the best of me my excitement... I fully understand that this feeling of the desert... I was only 5 times inthe last 20 years (and it was another country every SFRJ, JCS, CIS, Serbia and finally Serbia - Kosovo)...I have been waiting for this and save my money since 2008. is now waiting an extra week, a new passport is only hell...
Burek overestimated is? It's sacrilege! You must try some good old Backi Burek.
I think that I will pop to the Macedonia...I wanted to see more Ohrid! I find myself a nice companion in Belgrade and in Ohrid swim... I will then be able to try real Skara. I once in a Turkish restaurant in New York City, but I bet that it attitude taste better with beer, on the shore of Lake Ohrid a warm breeze on my face and a daughter of the Balkans still warm on my arm…
Oh, I'm just too much at this time torture. I certainly know this feeling of the desert.
> April 2, 2012 at 23: 49

Crapule youngSays:mat4, Burek food, with which we grew up. If Ito go to school, I had called just enough money for 1 / 8 of Burek and yogurt, buttermilk here. A cold Burek managed, until you go home. Other foods that you speak are the main meal and see that you are quite familiar with the cuisine of the Balkans: the next time you are here, I would like to next year SO try to say "Gibanica" in central Serbia and me say what you think: I know the answer:
2. April 2012, at 23: 57

Crapule youngSays:MarionYou are not torment thou Toturing me; ()
2. April 2012 to 23: 59

"comment 260628" >MarkoSays:Dear gibanica, especially with the Shopska salata.
OK WOG boy, I will stop now, I promise.
April 3, 2012 at 12: 06 am

MichaelSays:No, I'm not Novak. Definitely after execution of Exordinary, he put his one in 2011.
April 3, 2012 at 12: 35

I spend a lot of time in the Balkans. I is not recently Slovenia went, but was also quite often and everywhere. I once wrote, that my training in historical linguistics, and I know the history of South-Eastern Europe.
If a site of tennis, not a place, politics, writing it I am to see me that DJokovic proud of his people, is because he has every reason to do so.
April 3, 2012 at 12: 43

Radisson ticketsSays:WOG boy and Marko:Its just unfair and methods, but you're cruel marko…Damn!(stuck in London, have been not in Belgrade for 2 years).
3. April 2012 02: 54

Crapule youngSays:Radisson bonding,If you feel better, make it in 25 years, I haveI've returned only 3 (three) times.
3. April 2012 03: 39

AJETSays:OH bloody kill Wogau boy, Marko and other guys who Serbia, why you are to discuss me with Serbian food? I'm a freak for foodTel and he loves all novel foods from the East to the West, except of course for insect snacks (yuck!). even if I nEO tasted the joys of the Balkans, but Amazon comes out of my mouth already see talk about guys and longin Serbia and Balkan food! Please listen to eat on! It is the Drivivng me wild: the idea that their wine tasting! not required in order for you to pay the Bill if we could sit and eat in a restaurant in the Balkans have! but for the moment, your absolute cruelty and stop provokin my eager Gaumenam to end your speech with food!
3. April 2012 at 04: 18

MarkoSays:All right...Yes, we will stop the mental health of the individual, of food...
AJET, FYI... we, the people in the Balkans living in the diaspora the half...Literally des word, almost half...This sense of nostalgia is very common for us. I know not where you live, but if you still want to visit, we will the Balkans let me know, make sure that you have a good time and try:), we have every single dish Oh, and we have some very, very beautiful, warm, intelligent, strong volunteer, women go hand in hand with the food.
3. April 2012 to 21: 21

Steve 27Says:F

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