Sunday, April 10, 2011

Winners of Houston Kim, Wagner camps again (AP)

Humble, Texas-course knowledge is important in the Houston Open.

Rookie PGA Tour Chris Kirk shot a 3-under 69 Friday to take a stroke a cerebral advance on defending champion Anthony Kim and winner 2008 Johnson Wagner after two rounds at Redstone.

Kirk was 9 - under the by and played his last few holes as the wind picked up in the afternoon and makes it difficult to mark.

Kim and Wagner took advantage of calm morning conditions and their background used on the route to move the submission. Kim shot a 64, the lowest round of the day, and Wagner had a 67.

"I have very good feelings as soon as I step on the property here," said Wagner.

Padraig Harrington, first round leader Jimmy Walker and Josh Teater were two back shots at 7 under.

Organizers provided the course of the tournament at Redstone to simulate conditions that will see players to master the next week, and the establishment has attracted many of the best players in the world in Houston.

Phil Mickelson (70) and Lee Westwood (72) were part of a large group 4 slots and Ernie Els (72) and Fred Couples (72) were among the players to 1.

Kim tries to be the first winner, back to back of the event as Vijay Singh won in 2004 and ' 05, the last two years he played on one side of the course members.

The tournament-course host was in 2006, and Kim had almost every visit.

Before he turned Pro, Kim was the only player to break by winning an event collegiate here in 2006. It is fifth in the Houston Open as a rookie in 2007 Tower and fired three shells of sub - 70 year last to win her third career victory.

"It helps," said knowing that I was playing well before, knowing that I made a few rolls when it mattered, it. "I had a few shots that are similar, some rolls that I are very similar, so I try to remember these things and play.

64 Of Kim was four strokes better than his lower tower when he won last year.

From the back nine, Kim made six birdies in his first 10 holes, including the chip-ins on our 12 and 16. He needed only 22 rolls on equal lowest turn since January.

Before the tournament, Kim said that its major re-engineering required swing and that he spent a few days in collaboration with Adam Schreiber coach for changes. Happy Kim work already produced results.

"It feels a lot of this sense of confidence and to go, a few good golf swings and perhaps a few wraps after that, said Kim."

Wagner feeling a more emotional connection with Redstone, after obtaining his first victory of the tour here three years ago. He needs to win this week to qualify for the Masters, but says major next week has defended sentence.

A resident of Charlotte, Wagner is the tournament at Quail Hollow near his house and everything important that every year, he played Houston event.

"There are a few events regular tour that I love", he said. "Houston and Charlotte will be always my two events preferred that we play."

Kirk has general information on Redstone, too. He played for the Georgia and participated in the collegiate even event Kim won in 2006.

"I think he loves the course," said Kirk. "I shot a lot of 74 s or SW, nothing very memorable."

Second, Kirk, birdied on the list of money Nationwide Tour last year, two of his last three holes the pure and simple shows the way to a double bogey on the by-5-4.

"I made a bad swing off the tee, and it is not yet really bad," Kirk said. "One of these things." Any measure you play, that kind of thing sometimes happens. »

Harrington was also threatened, after briefly Binder for lead early Friday. He made three straight bogies on the back nine to withdraw, then reached the 8th by-5 in two shots to set up an eagle to go back to 7 below.

"Just I fell asleep," said Harrington, sporting a beard this weekend because he has forgotten to seize a razor. "I really the type of road down the hatches for the last few holes, trying not to make too many mistakes after I lost my way."

Note average for players who started in the morning (71.46) has been more than two shots better than the average for players who are late in the day (73.78 CertainTeed).

"As the wind picked up, the ground got really powerful," Kirk said. "You need to be a little more cautious, do really think your way".

Former President George H.W. Bush considered first a golf cart handles and welcomes the Mickelson and couples as they left Greens. Bush regularly attends major sporting events in Houston, where he lives.

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