Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Players damage of income League TV (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) - NFL players are seeking millions of dollars of damage as the League lost a federal trial over 4 billion in television revenues.

Players, in a file with a District Court of Minnesota this week, they say the money League "Links on the table in 2009 and 2010" should restore when the NFL negotiated new television contracts with its partners.

The amount has been deleted, but the word "million" has remained.

Judge David Doty, who planned to hold a hearing on May 12, held the month last as the NFL does step to maximize revenue when contracts television appointments.

He also said that the NFL its agreement with the players had been raped when negotiated television deals.

The players Union argued that the NFL designed the TV contracts to give the League a stockpile of cash $ 4 billion to help him with a lockout.

Asked about the last presentation, spokesman for the NFL Greg Aiello said Friday: "it is a part of the process in the case." Our response is due to April 21. »

Players also try to prevent the NFL take advantage of the TV contracts during the current lockout of the League.

"There is no amount of compensation that the damage resulting from unlawful lockout provisions can address," said players.

Although another court hearing April 6 on an application for an injunction against the lockout, "independent relief" presentation lock said Thursday.

Nine other players in the NFL, including the best quarterbacks Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and Drew Brees, seeking an injunction against the lockout in a class action antitrust against the NFL and its owners.

The suit was filed after negotiations between the NFL and players labor Union broken last month and the Union, the NFL Players Association, revoked. NFL owners locked then the players, the season of 2011 at risk.

(Reported by Gene Cherry in Salvo, North Carolina);) (Edit by Frank pings)

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