Saturday, April 9, 2011

Get defensive of the target for the two Butler, VCU (AP)

HOUSTON - that Butler and VCU proudly wear the same small Conference, lovable underdog tag is easily recognizable.

Less clear is their dedication shared the non-sexy practice of ruthless, aggressive defence - since long a game trade mark Butler, but much more than a surprising end season of operation development, award of Rams.

"This is what has brought us here." For five consecutive matches, play great defense "LCA before Jamie Skeen said Friday." "" If we major defence against play Butler once more, we can probably come with victory. »

Eighth seed Butler (27-9) plays VCU, from "first four" Final oven national semifinal Saturday night.

"It is more challenging because you everyone looks their defence knows, although they are, said the leader of the LCA Joey Rodriguez." "" We want to come and try to prove to people that we can defend as they play.

Virginia Commonwealth (28-11) dream team is a shooter, a complete list of guys who think that they are in range which, once the bus approaching the arena. (It is no coincidence TV analyst Steve Kerr for the Rams for a competition of shooting during training last weekend southwest regional.)

The Rams this year 895 3-pointers were launched - no, this is not a fault of printing - and shot an incredible 44% of long distance only to the NCAA tournament. They have finished with 12 3 s on three of its five games, with Brandon Rozzell doing six on its own against Georgetown and Bradford Burgess is similarly against the State of Florida.

But not error LCA for the Globetrotters.

The Rams are available exactly of Wisconsin, ranking 238th (from 336 teams) in the defence field goal and 134e in defence scoring. They 298th in the margin to rebounds. They are still in the Final Four because they cut off the Southern California, Georgetown, Florida State and Purdue before carry Kansas seeded at the top of the page.

The Jayhawks, the head of the country team, once managed just 61 points during the filming of 35.5 General and 9.5% of 3 points throughout the season lows. After not by more than two points behind the whole tournament, abandoned Kansas with 17 for the rest.

Overall, Virginia Commonwealth is therefore an average of 62 points less than their season average in the tournament, almost five. They hold opponents to 39 percent shooting, well below their average season of 44%.

"They keep balance teams," said Matt Howard, Butler leading scorer and rebounder. "Need to prepare for the multiple looks." They will print. They play a little of the area. So, they have a good cyber war. I think that when you are really mark the ball really well, also, that gives you the defensive energy. I think that you can make an argument that they scored as well as anyone.

"When you are able to enter these different defenses and mark, I think that really helps their defence."

If anyone knows that it is Butler.

The Bulldogs are one of the fundamental teams healthier in the game - these are the guys in the gymnasium where "hoosiers play" was filmed, after all. They can learn, and they do very well. Howard shoot 49%, while Andrew Smith, a nearly 9 points a game average is 62% shooting.

But they came within 2 points of the Championship year last thanks to frankly unpleasant defence. Butler is closed off the coast of the K-State Jacob Pullen final regional, he questioned in 4-of-13 shooting and four turnovers. The State of Michigan in 16 turnovers in the final four harassed and zero allowed - nada zilch, zip, - fast break points.

And when the season Bulldogs was on the edge of this year with three straight and four or five games landslide losses, defence, not attack, these things turn around.

"We've really focused on the defensive end of the word," said Howard. "We were not guarding the way which us had normally, and I think it was really important for us to come back to that.".

Butler now has 13 best straight, one past four teams won. He was give a unfortunate points 59.6 during stretch, an average of almost eight points better than the average through the first 23 games of the season. Only two teams have obtained 70% or more from Butler, both in the NCAA tournament streak.

Also outrebounded the Bulldogs Old Dominion, best team of the nation on the glass, 32-29 in the second round.

"Butler is probably the defensive team more difficult we will give all year, said Burgess.".

What can I say something, consider that the LCA Florida State, leave the country in field goal defense, in the South West regional semi-finals played.

"Butler is much more healthy. "They are going to each type of defensive mistakes," said coach Shaka Smart LCA. "We have to get in the paint and not always to turn the ball." We came to touch the paint. We need the additional password on the circumference. We should use shot fakes. You end up with force.

"Something that large defensive teams all have in common is that they are very physical, they aggressively." If you are not the fight to take, then you'll be in for a long night. »

The first one to 60 get to play for the title.

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