Friday, November 11, 2011

Negotiations of NBA setting; accreditation speak surfaces (AP)

NEW YORK--to speak of a backdoor cut.

The announcement Thursday to resume negotiations to that end, the NBA lockout was followed by news that some players are studying the possibility to cancel the Union.

NBA players Union said it may enter into negotiations with the owners Saturday, maintain that the players are unified as they try to put an end to the lockout.

Members of the Union President Derek Fisher, Executive Director Billy Hunter and the Executive Committee, said after meeting for about three hours Thursday that there is no truth to reports of a rift between them was.

"We had no problems and it is the reality," said Hunter.

Hunter said that they spent no more than 10-15 minutes total on a conference call earlier this week and discussed at the meeting on Thursday, challenging allegiances of Fisher reports.

"The fight is not in our Union," guard Keyon Dooling dollar said. "Derek Fisher is President better that our Union has never seen." We are members of the Commission-I am the first Vice President and I support him. "

Not all players do.

About 50 disgruntled players held a telephone conference with an antitrust lawyer about the possibility of the dissolution of their Union.

A person has informed the presence service told the Associated Press Thursday that small groups of players - including some of the greatest stars of the game - were informal talks on the concept of set aside for some time. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the calls to keep data private actors should be.

Thirty percent of the players will be required to sign a petition and then would have a majority of vote for revocation of certification. But only the players can give certification side leverage in negotiations.

The person also confirmed that Boston's Paul Pierce, Orlando Dwight Howard and Dwyane Wade of Miami among those take part in the appeal Thursday, although no details on who were the person has provided the major part of the word and what has been said.

"This is an option," said the person of players eventually opt for depopulation. "We are not asking for it." We want to play. If this gets it, I am all for it, because we must act. "

The New York Times reports that disgruntled players want to insist on the dissolution of the Union and labor negotiations this weekend have not or are invited to what was considered an unwanted agreement.

On Wednesday, the Federal Judge Paul Gardephe had NBA close that the NBA lockout will not be considered as an antitrust violation if the dissolution of the Union players. Gardephe seemed skeptical as to the closed immediately, but not by the lawyer of the League, Jeffrey Mishkin arguments made.

Owners and players have not yet met since talks broke off last Friday. Hunter said the Federal Ombudsman George Cohen earlier this week on any contact with him again in the negotiations. The conversation led to Hunter called Commissioner David Stern on Wednesday the resumption of the negotiations, but it has not been determined or will be involved Cohen.

Hunter said officers Union warned the players who had spent the last days the still very distant parties on many issues in the system, therefore the completion of an agreement were not as simple as a compromise the income has been divided.

"Our guys are in a position that they still want us to negotiate a fair deal," said Fisher. "They gave us this power." They gave us this support.

"Obviously, we will have individual members in individual sets of circumstances who want to return to play." We want to play back. But we understand that the ramifications of agreeing to a bad deal at this time. ... This particular collective agreement will affect for always conditions of NBA basketball players. We do not rush to an agreement that we believe is a bad deal just save this season. »

Lock, which began July 1, has already led to the cancellation of a month of the regular season. The parties met for three days last week, but negotiations stalled again when they turned income splitting.

It gets back to Saturday, although neither party appears to be moves its position.

"It is not sensible or wise is not for us, or leave huge gaps of time go ahead and let the clock run and are not, because we are more than just anchored in our respective positions," said Hunter. "At least if we can something happen around the table;" I cannot predict if something will. »

Hunter said he said Fisher after negotiations broke down Friday: "you see the kind of friend, I have and will continue."


Sports journalist of AP Tim Reynolds in Miami contributed to this report.

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