Monday, November 14, 2011

Emmert: Grant not a lean towards "pay for play" (AP)

HOUSTON-NCAA President Mark Emmert, said Thursday that leaders University across the country "adamant" about never allowing a student to pay to play and dispute the suggestion that a maximum of $2,000 to add sports scholarships a step in this direction.

Emmert took the floor Thursday to the Economic Club of Houston, a week after the Division I Board of Directors approved a series of far-reaching reforms. On the move included an option for conferences up to $ 2,000 per year to add athletic scholarships.

The allocation of critical pocket money considered as the first step to finish paying students to compete. Emmert, said money is just intended to bridge the gap between a scholarship - which covers education, pension and books - and the "total cost of attendance," in what other miscellaneous expenditures by athletes who go over their seasons. "".

The sum of $2,000 was a "compromise" between the members of the Council, said Emmert. Some thought that the total amount must have been higher, but Emmert, said that the Council report you a reasonable amount that he felt that all schools will be able to afford.

"It could have been higher, it could have been lower," he said. "But it was the number that everyone is agreed was a good place to be."

Emmert, says that the allocation does not compare to the provision of a salary to a student-athlete, essentially making him an employee of the University.

"We are still supporting their as students, but not as someone who we pay to play a game," said Emmert, former President of the University of Washington. "When you this model to a model where games are students who have not paid more, well now you student athletics." We already have is the NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball.

"Everyone in Interuniversity Athletics under the direction is completely inflexible on this issue," he said. "I know there are a lot of debate out there to pay for the game, but it is not yet open to discussion.". This is in contradiction with what is in college athletics. »

Apart from the conflict philosophical Emmert said that another fundamental flaw with the idea of "pay for play" is to know how to implement.

He has said "That would have established pay?". "". It would be the same for all players? This would be the same for all sports? Paid volleyball team? Female athletes get paid? A holder quarterback paid more than the third-string offensive lineman? It is the same wage for each school in the country?

"We are the only nation as intercollegiate Athletics," said Emmert. "" "". It is a unique American tradition. Turning it into professional athletes are not the solution to the challenges that we are now. »

Emmert took the NCAA in November 2010, and the Agency has faced a rash of major scandals in the past year, especially on programs of football in the State of Ohio and Miami.

More than a dozen of Buckeyes were suspended for a series of violations, most of these incorrect benefits involving-related tattoo salon. Jim Tressel had resigned as coach and the school offered compensation is 12-1 record in 2010.

Password Ohio State NCAA sanctions, and for his last Emmert would not say when that might be announced.

"It would be inappropriate for me to speculate," he said.

Emmert, says that the NCAA is still collecting information in the case of Miami, where more than 70 players have received additional benefits provided by the former of make-up and convicted Ponzi scheme architect Nevin Shapiro. Major sanctions be expected when the research stimulated by a presentation by Yahoo Sports, is completed.

"The case of Miami is it yet, said Emmert." "". We always work with the University to know the facts as much as possible. The University of Miami, very cooperative and we are happy with it.

Emmert has also taken to the Agency in the first waves of realignment of the Conference. He said that schools should reserve the right to choose their leagues, but he cares about how changes will affect the student-athletes.

While Texas A M & the transition from the big 12 Conference of South - East add not many kilometres to the Aggies, output road, spoke on the addition of the Big East Boise State, Navy and the air force only for football, SMU and Houston and Central Florida for all sports.

And that could lead to some travel very disturbing over long distances, Emmert said.

"If you are flying to halfway across the country for them a mid week volleyball-game play and they ' ve got to return to class in 09 the next day, what is the reality of this. Emmert said. "What that is the reality of the cost of flying teams across the country, and that eliminates all the economic benefits of a part of this Conference?"

Emmert also ask what is motivate some schools to their moves.

"They make decisions because they have good information as to what actually happens?" he said, "or do fear and reactivity, and concerns about what may happen somewhere other than what is happening actually is?"

"Long as reversed the process, deliberation is and focus on student-athletes, how they are affected, then they can do what they want to do," said. "My job is to look at intercollegiate Athletics as a whole and to remind them that they should pay attention to these things."

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