Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Colts QB Manning still waiting for the neck to cure (AP)

INDIANAPOLIS-Peyton Manning and Jim Irsai agree on one thing: the era Manning not in Indianapolis.

Crew, said Thursday he hopes to return to the practice of this year and yet sticks of hope to play as doctors say it is finally cured of his 8 September neck operation. Irsai, the owner of the team, said he expected that the MVP of the NFL four times has a few good years in the right arm.

There are some big questions looming in Indy.

The Colts (0-8) must determine if you choose the contract of five years of Manning, or a bonus of $ 28 million to keep the list. And if they have a project up to choose next year, will also decide whether Indy to take Manning the heir, someone as bad luck Andrew or Landry Jones.

"This is some thing that you have and scenarios, which may behind Peyton and how long you want him to sit down and how much money you have committed quarterbacks," said Irsai. "I think that in theory, you could have Peyton for two or three more good years and then have someone behind him, but it is theoretical."

Manning is not played since having surgery to repair nerve damage this weakness in his throwing arm. It is his third proceeding of the neck to 19 months, a series of operations that forced the Colts fans discuss when - or if - Manning will return.

"I think that it is too early to bury this era," Irsai, said in an interview of 40 minutes. "I think that Peyton is performed and the time is over, for me, average prematurely." I always kind of known the time would be decided when Peyton is here. "But I do not feel like the time is made."

A few hours earlier, Manning made his second appearance of cloakroom improvised season, told journalists that he spends each day in rehabilitation and he hopes to practice with his teammates in December and play a game later this season.

But it is not disabled for football activity by physicians. Irsai said there are less than 50% chance Manning would appear in a game this season.

"We still expect for the merger will take place, the still slow with that and we have still a few problems with the nerves and the regeneration of the nervous," said Manning. "" "". It is really not a calendar, a time line where I am. »

Doctors were not said Manning surgery is probably two or three months before the Indy franchise quarterback returns to practice, which is in danger with the Manning comments line.

Without their franchise quaterback, Colts are 0-8 for the first time since 1997, and many believe that it would be stupid to bring some games season without meaning for Manning.

Manning is not yet.

"Miss me playing, I really do.". If I deleted get to play and I'm good enough, I play? Absolutely, "he said." "". I would like because that's how I'm wired, it's my job and I love my job.

"If the doctor says that you can go, then I want to do," Manning added later.

Crew discussed a variety of subjects, call coach Jim Caldwell, a "friend", rejection of speculations on the No. 1, choose and even discuss the option clause in his contract.

The Colts signed Manning to a five year contract of $ 90 million at the end of July, when it seemed as if it would be ready to play this season. The annual average of $ 18 million is Tom Brady New England for the richest League agreement. See in action crew think Colts, if possible, before making their decision.

"This is a contract of one year with an extension of four years," said Manning. "The team has the right to know where you are physically and where is your health."

Irsai said he has no intention of releasing Manning and the social partners could work on a new deal if the quarterback was still not healthy.

Proximity is Manning back to?

No one knows.

"Is what you want to see for him to continue to make progress, to return to the point where you can say that he made all the throws and doing the things he needs to do", said Irsai. "The truth is it is a slow progression and to say that it is a ceiling on 15 December or January 1 would hit and it is not better is really uncertain.".

Health workforce and to find a successor are only a part of the equation.

Some foreigners want a complete overhaul - get rid of Caldwell, vice President Bill Polian or Director General Chris Polian.

Irsai has told reporters he wants to give up not on the, which the franchise of a loser Polians transformed into a competitor of the Super Bowl, because eight eternal loss. He also expressed his support for Caldwell, saying: "not just another guy" could have the Colts to the title of the AFC two years or four consecutive wins to win the AFC South last year.

Manning hopes to have more answers next month.

"If I am disabled at a level where I practice, then the most important place to see where you are on the scope of practice," said Manning.

Irsai pleads for patience until then.

"We have not had this much uncertainty in a long, long time, but I think it's exciting," said Irsai. "I am more interested to get back to the magnitude and have a chance to support it." I am not interested in mediocre 8-8 or 9-7 and sneak in the playoffs for the next decade. "

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