Sunday, April 18, 2010

Roethlisberger, Goodell measurement to NY (AP)

AP-Pittsburgh Steelers watch Ben Roethlisberger is ready to read a statement from the NFL football team from... di 13 APR 5 h 27 HO

New York - Ben Roethlisberger completed his encounter with Commissioner Roger Goodell NFL and there was no immediate word if the Steelers passer for its problems in the field will be punished.

Roethlisberger flew to New York from home one day after Georgia district counsel announced the player would be charged after only a student College accused of assault against him in a bathroom Club sexually month last of Pittsburgh.

He tells ESPN Tuesday meeting was "very productive".

The NFL Greg Aiello, spokesperson said the League will examine the facts: carry his PIN - and with the Roethlisberger and the Steelers will follow.

The Steelers, clearly got angry with the behavior of their star player discipline Roethlisberger, even if the League is not.

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