Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bradley HR sends the M on a 3-0 (AP)

AP-Oakland Athletics Cliff Pennington obliges the Mike Sweeney Seattle Mariners in the second while you... by the editor of sports GREGG Bell, this AP sports writer Gregg Bell, Ap - 14 April, 1 h 47 am WED and

SEATTLE-Milton Bradley won a crucial incentive for themselves and the Seattle Mariners, with a large swing Tuesday evening.

A three-hit Bradley Setup in the eighth inning Seattle to a 3-0 on the Oakland Athletics win power homer.

Doug Fister (1-1) generated eight net recovery for sailors, three hits and a walk.It was the longest excursion in the right hander 26-year majors who as a soulageur double - began last season.

Jose Lopez started the decisive encounter with his third succès.Brad Ziegler (0-2) were Sweeney's Mike.après caries are visible in the first field, golfed Bradley one small not five lines in the right-hand field platforms.

Bradley began the day in an impasse 1-for - 22 .the has been demoted from fourth to sixth in order batting a few days earlier and a sit down with the Manager of Don Wakamatsu.The mercurial slugger reverse of off-field in the fourth inning arraignment Friday evening Texas fans.

As he stepped home plate, his second homer of the season, after Bradley two hands on his head.He his palms pressed together and their relative jabbed to heaven.

David Aardsma has completed a three-heavy hitter bonus for his third save set three occasions, sailors who insist on 3-6 after they began the season with the playoff hopes.

Brett Anderson deleted six on six collection of Oakland, six hits, walking two.This is not a restoration 12 running in authorized in two starts this season, both against Seattle.

The Mariners lost a handful of scoring chance before Bradley provided against one of its seven former Seattle teams and 20 series score completed restore.

Seattle had two on and one from the fourth after a double return of Bradley, 2 to 4 has to increase its moyenne.115.deleted Casey Kotchman but Anderson on a slider bass and road and Rob Johnson on one layer and full - tone count.Johnson were inherently yelling like it on the ground of the strike zone has been Swinging.

Sailors also runners in scoring position in the fifth, sixth and seventh and road have nothing over and over.

Deleted Lopez Swinging with runners at the end of the fifth pins and Jack Wilson back in a choice of the fielder in men, on the first and second ends sixième.Chone Figgins struck one output double in the seventh and was thrown in an attempt to steal a third on a fun game by catcher Kurt Suzuki.

Comments: what Rick said coach LHP Cliff Lee (tense abdominal) during a 63 - bullpen session Adair thy great examinés.le winner of the AL Cy Young Award 2008 is made his season debut may 1 or 2, pending Wednesday hearing of the appeal a suspension of five-set to throw a Manager Bob 23 on heads of Chris Snyder Arizona in a spring game scheduled... said he was hopeful 2 (b) Mark Ellis would play mercredi.Ellis missed the first two games series with a series of control game Sunday at the Los Angeles Angels.

Des recherches : milton Harden gestionnaire don wakamatsu chone figgins arizona de chris snyder Los Angeles anges Buzz up !Envoyer un e-mail IM partage Facebook Twitter délicieux Fark StumbleUpon Newsvine Digg Reddit Technorati Yahoo! favoris l'impression, il n'y a aucuns commentaires, je voudrais rendre un caractère de commentaire dans le post pour poster un commentaire ou un signe pour un compte gratuit.en savoir plus sur les leads de Baseball Jones Pirates of the Giants du passé, 6-5 AP Greg Smith aide Rocheuses livre Mets 11-3 AP Votto aide rouges battre des Marlins de la 10-8 à 11 plus AP» plus... vidéo de sport : 7News : Cops préparation de choc vert d'Australie 7 nouvelles sports vidéo : MLB : respect des sports de Sports Jackie Yahoo! vidéo : football dernière Actualités titres Goodell Australie 7 plus consultées-Sports Roethlisberger, réunis à NY AP anneau : World Series champs victoire Accueil ouverture AP Suns beat Nuggets homecourt, la frontière au premier tour, Woods AP sous forme d'entrée pour nous ouvrir Matsui AP de sonner un faux AP & un véritable renvoie tous les plus consultées ' fonctions quotidiennes

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