Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Organizers: Games 2010 green despite some fog (PA)

Vancouver, British Columbia Colombia - the Organizing Committee for Olympic Games Vancouver 2010-said that the event can still be regarded as the most environmentally friendly and yet, despite not having to respond to some of their environmental objectives.

A Friday found the games generated more than expected effect of greenhouse gases were not carbon neutral ultimately. Neither manage organizers to divert waste as much as they had hoped during the Olympic and Paralympic events.

But the length to which the Commission is to anchor of sustainable practices in their plan d'ensemble, setting a new standard, Ann Duffy, former Vice President of sustainability for the organisation Committee called the VANOC.

Duffy said future committees must make better use of new technologies, ecological construction methods, and even social media to host more inclusive, respectful environment Board.

For the assessment of their ecological footprint, include the days of VANOC's games themselves, but every seven years of planning.

It is also incorporated the impact of aviation and the consequences of the huge, torch skiing.

Overall, the games from 277,677 tones of carbon dioxide, until their prognosis of 268 000.

The increase was pegged to travel more, using cruise accommodations and the total amount of waste.

So as a sponsor of carbon offsetter to make activity athlete and neutral torch relay carbon neutrality helped, General was impossible to achieve because the Horde sponsors and vendors themselves were not neutral, says the report.

A target of diverting the 85 per cent of the waste produced by the games was not partially filled by confusing signage.

"For many, multiple locations for multiple materials has caused confusion,"said the report".

Sustainability report final five products by the Organization Committee has also examined areas such as Aboriginal participation, social inclusion and financial implications.

At the end of account, organizers said, she has spent more than 5 million of assets and enterprises of the city and more than 59 million in goods and services from Aboriginal businesses.

They have divided approximately 60,000 free for the Olympic and Paralympic events, and thousands of unclaimed items lost to a non-profit community to use or sell Don tickets.

VANOC has been criticized in the endorse the games so that it can connect significantly with the communities of the city of Vancouver.

While the Commission had established a 37-point agreement on how the city in the great work, both parties never saw eye to eye, or that his promises.

For example, critics said game development has been a huge negative impact on the city, with a low income housing stock and that residents of some hotels may be pushed through tourism.

VANOC has contributed to $ 200,000 for the bed additional shelter were available in the months before the games, but in their report said there is no doubt for them.

"Sustainability or big game means different things to different people," said Duffy the Canadian Press.

"Must be the central channel that you can still provide a great event, but it is realistic to that can generate an organizing Committee.

Then the VANOC's sustainability report was conducted in-house, is also an independent impact study carried out by the University of British Columbia Colombia.

The next payment of this study is expected at the beginning of 2011.

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